week 20 // you are my wild

Her school year began in tears and resistance. She loved being home schooled- the one-on-one attention, the syrupy drama of greek mythology love-triangles, the drawn out art projects, the hard boiled eggs and tea and good books in pjs, the unstructured nature of our days.  

It was exactly that- the structure- that initially made 3rd grade at public school a challenge.

Ultimately, we all agreed that some of these struggles were probably really good for her.  No one (sane) likes 6am, but she managed to drag herself out of bed everyday at that time.  No one likes being in a class with other kids who've already been friends for years, but she made a few really good friends in spite of that.  No one (sane) likes multiplication, but she passed her times tables.  No one likes doing homework, but you know what?  My little trooper spent hours every afternoon, after an already long day at school, doing even more school work.  I know kids everywhere were/are doing the exact same thing, but I am still so proud of her and her efforts.

We spent the weekend celebrating the start of summer vacation by grilling tender cuts of meat (hotdogs) and eating pie on the porch, making boxcars with her dad, swimming in the late afternoon, watching bats at sunset, and listening to owls after dark.

And the ultimate?  We will not be waking up at 6am until the start of 4th grade.


kati said...

love. the ankle bending and the fidgeting. here's to summer vacation!

leah // sang the bird said...

So lovely! And I love it when mama's are proud of their kids. Yay to summer holidays xx

amelia from z tasty life said...

so wonderful she had a year of wonderful learnings, with you. She will always remember it. And yes, reminds me that the system that needs the most innovation in the world is the school system. With all the progress that has been made in so many fields, school is still so in need of reform and revolution and chance and a fresh approach to the growing mind!