scenes from a spring weekend

Our yard.

The line was awfully blurry between the landscaping style of "wild & natural" and the landscaping style of "great place to dump a dead body".  The girls were trekking in unrecognizable gelatinous yuck on the soles of their rain boots, slipping on the steps as they walked upstairs.  I believe it was the remains of slugs that were loving life in our knee-high grass.  It was only a matter of time before someone stepped on a snake or found a tick in their hair.

I'm happy to report that we've managed to tame some of the wildlife back there.  Things are better, but will never be perfect.  So, if I can't have the pristine yard of my dreams, I will love my 4 little garden boxes and the time I spend with my girls.

Last year we planted wildflowers.  I swore I would never plant them again, as they are more hearty and invasive than mint or other ground covers.  I was ready to yank them out a few weeks ago when they reappeared, and make room for my summer vegetables.  But the girls insisted we needed to keep them until they bloom.

I'm glad they convinced me.  They make a very temporary season a bit more real.


andapaige said...


kati said...

love it. keep the wildflowers :)