week 12 // you are my wild

When the Curtises are away, the White's will play.  (Thanks for letting us crash your farm, guys).

We soaked up the sun, and giggled about goats nibbling our shirt tails.

We tried to ignore just how cold our toes were, standing on those smooth rocks in the stream.

We stood in the center of the greenest part of the greenest grass, watching men in cowboy hats put fencing in around the perimeter of the enormous pasture.  We tried imagining the horses that will one day graze there.  We laughed as we tried picturing each of us on the backs of those invisible horses.

We hummed Ennio Morricone's soundtrack to the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly the entire time, even with mouths full of tortilla chips.

We whined a little, because it just wasn't the same to climb that tree without our best friend there too.  But boy do we love that place.

>>> Week 12 is good and is HERE.<<<


Roseann said...

The photo with the three goats is amazing. Spending time on a farm is about as good as it gets.

kati said...

THE GOATS. love these all so much. dreamy childhood!

leah // sang the bird said...

oh the goats are so cute, and your girls are lovely xx

Sarah said...

Looks like it was a gorgeous day! I wish I had been there too, but I'm glad you came anyway. You are always always welcome. Obviously, Neve looked too sweet for them not to try a nibble.