children with everything and nothing to say

last night's dinner talk:

we (the girls, my mother-in-law, and myself- terry was still at work) were discussing different upbringings and ways in which we lived.  lani, my mother-in-law, asks fiona & neve if they ever saw the log cabin that i grew up in.  they shake their heads no.

neve: "what kind of place were we born in, mom?"

me, thinking i'm being funny: "an igloo."

fiona, giggling: "no, a house that smelled like feet."

neve, smiling: "no, inside a mickey mouse costume."

fiona, hysterical: "no, inside a huge belly button."

neve, giggling: "no, inside a spaceship that was coming back from space."

fiona, barely able to breathe: "no, inside a pregnant lady that lived inside a pregnant lady that lived inside a pregnant lady."

there were more dwellings, but they were getting increasingly more vulgar and esoteric, so for your sake i'll stop with the russian nesting doll pregnant lady.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Love your girls. I may or may not have said this before, but I so hope I have moments just like this with mine.

I love the pregnant Russian nesting doll.

You should patent that ;)